“The Animal Support Project (TASP) is based in the Capital Region of NY. TASP performs Crisis Intervention and mitigation directly with companion animal owners to keep animals living with their families. In extreme cases where no other solution is possible and space is available, we will facilitate re-homing of animals to ensure their best interest. We are the region’s ONLY all-volunteer, all-species companion animal safety net.”
Thanks To Our Animal-Lovin’ Community and Our Ever-faithful Volunteers!
TASP had a great summer of 2024 turnout for all three of our tag sales held at various sites around the Capital Region. Special thanks to our hosts: Benson’s Pet Center, Veterans of Lansingburgh and Brunswick Harley Davidson for donating the awesome sites for these sales. It’s really true what they say about, “Location, location, location,” and thanks to these three businesses, we were in the right place at the right time to yield major moolah for the local animals and families we serve.
TASP will continue throwing these pop-up sales for as long as we are able to, so stay tuned for more news about where and when you’ll see us selling next!
TASP Fantasy Photo Clinics are held monthly at Benson’s and Pet Supplies Plus AND online, too!
CLICK HERE to learn more!
Can’t make it to the live photo clinics? No problemo! Just click on the button to order your Fantasy Photo ONLINE!

Did you know?
The average number of animals served each year by The Animal Support Project is 300!
Over 90% of the animals presented to TASP for assistance are able to remain in their homes!
TASP stocks over 20 local human food pantries with pet food & supplies through the TASP Stash!
TASP distributes FREE flea & tick collars to financially qualified pets through the Paws2Protect program!
Are you glad The Animal Support Project was able to help you?
Would you be willing to help The Animal Support Project?
Please consider posting a review at:
It won’t cost you a penny to do this but it could help save an animal’s life.
Greatnonprofits.org is the site where donors go when they want to donate to a charity, to see what that charity’s value is to the community. Organizations with lots of good reviews have the opportunity to receive more donations because they’re putting the donations to good use.
Donations are what made it possible for TASP to help you and your pet(s).
Would you please post a review to help more deserving pets who need TASP’s assistance?
I hope you will take the time to post a review so when the next pet owner reaches out to us, we won’t have to turn them down.
THANKS TO ALL WHO HELPED US EARN OUR 2023 TOP RATED CHARITY STATUS ON GREAT NONPROFITS.ORG ! Please keep those reviews coming so we can stay on top and help more animals through this seal of credibility. Thanks for caring!
Warm regards,
Melinda and TASP – Top-rated Nonprofit (again!)
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Mar1Sat12:00 pm Saratoga St. Patrick’s Day Fanta... @ Benson's Pet CenterSaratoga St. Patrick’s Day Fanta... @ Benson's Pet CenterMar 1 @ 12:00 pm – 3:00 pmYou say you’ve never been to a TASP Fantasy Photo Fund Raiser before? Well, you don’t know what you and your best friend have been missing! Just a $10 donation yields a 4″x6″ framed keepsake[...]Mar9Sun12:00 pm Colonie St. Patrick’s Day Fantas... @ Benson's Pet CenterColonie St. Patrick’s Day Fantas... @ Benson's Pet CenterMar 9 @ 12:00 pm – 3:00 pmYou say you’ve never been to a TASP Fantasy Photo Fund Raiser before? Well, you don’t know what you and your best friend have been missing! Just a $10 donation yields a 4″x6″ framed keepsake[...]Mar15Sat12:00 pm Troy St. Patrick’s Day Fantasy P... @ Pet Supplies PlusTroy St. Patrick’s Day Fantasy P... @ Pet Supplies PlusMar 15 @ 12:00 pm – 3:00 pmYou say you’ve never been to a TASP Fantasy Photo Fund Raiser before? Well, you don’t know what you and your best friend have been missing! Just a $10 donation yields a 4″x6″ framed keepsake[...] Sign Up Our Newsletter
- The Animal Support Project
PO Box 68
Cropseyville, NY 12052 - (518) 727-8591
- taspinfo@yahoo.com
- The Animal Support Project