Donate – share your gifts to help at-risk pets

Donations are crucial to TASP being able to support animals in need. These animals might be strays in need of care that were taken in by a kind-but-financially-challenged person, or beloved pets whose family may need financial support.

Your donations, quite literally, mean the world to these lives!

Give to our current programs to put your funds where you want them…..


Click on Hoss’s portrait or use the QR Code to continue Hoss’s legacy, helping TASP save Giant Breed Dogs in need through The Hoss Fund.

GE Foundation Matching Gifts Program

The Animal Support Project is part of the “GE Foundation Matching Gifts Program”. If you are a donor through that program please select “The Animal Support Project” as your choice for matching gifts. Thank you

Lydall Matching Gifts Program

The Animal Support Project is part of the “Lydall Matching Gifts Program”. If you are a donor through that program please select “The Animal Support Project” as your choice for matching gifts. Thank you.

Lydall Corporation

Interested in additional ways to support TASP? We know you are!

  • Write a review or submit a testimonial at
  • Purchase a Fantasy Photo of your pet and ask your friends & family to do the same
  • Apply to volunteer and become part of the TASP team
  • Become a temporary care provider for someone who’s headed to the hospital for a spell
  • Run a Facebook fund raiser for TASP