October 10, 2020 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

OMG! At long last, TASP is having their Much-Delayed-by-Weather-and-Covid MEGA-TAG SALE! If you’ve never been to one of these sales before get ready to spend lots of time shopping among all the donated new and gently-used items TASP has been hoarding since last year. Beautiful hardwood furniture! Kitchen must-haves! Tons of pet stuff…..much of it brand new! Collectibles! Home decor! Kids’ toys! Wall art and all sorts of other unique and hard-to-find stuff you can’t live without!

All proceeds of this sale will go to the TASP General Fund for helping local pets stay healthy and safe in their homes. And since nobody at TASP earns a penny working at our mission, every cent spent by you at this sale is spent on the animals….NOT ON SALARIES!

With the help of the CDC’s guidance on social distancing, it will take more than a pandemic to keep the TASP folks from raising the funds that needy critters in our area have counted on for 13 years! Please bring your face mask to protect yourself and all the senior citizens who volunteer for TASP.  We’ll even have spare masks and hand sanitizer available for free in case you forget to bring yours. You know, none of us can afford to get sick because the animals need each and every one of us to do TASP’s job!

So bring your friends, your family and your co-workers to Sterup Square October 10-11 to enjoy a day of shopping to benefit the most vulnerable pets in our community! You’ll leave with something special in your bag and in your hearts!