Dogs rescued from NYC being trained, prepped for adoption locally

Published: Monday, June 03, 2013

By Andrew Beam – The Troy Record

CROPSEYVILLE — The Animal Support Project has a 2-year-old pit bull up for adoption after it was found without a home during the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

The Animal Support Project, a 501c3 charitable organization which regularly tries to prevent pets from being placed in animal shelters, has had to play a different role after two pit bulls were found displaced due to the damage done by the hurricane to New York City.

According to Melinda Plasse, president of the Animal Support Project, her organization was called down by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to help run an animal shelter in Brooklyn.

“The shelter was closed down and they contact all the known owners for the animals where the owner may either surrender their pets or make arrangements to have them go into foster care, or have them go to a friend’s house,” Plasse said. “It’s not always the case the owners come back.”

Leftover from the shelter, which was called the Emergency Boarding Facility for New York City Pets Displaced by Hurricane Sandy, were then 8-month-old Pluto and 2-year-old Brooke. Through a grant from the ASPCA, the Animal Support Project was able to take over the dogs and look for new owners for them.

The grant included funding for the cost of training the pets, foster care and boarding the animals. The ASPCA also offered to sponsor the first year of insurance costs for the animals on behalf of the new owners. Plasse said this was negotiated by her organization because pit bulls can be more difficult to adopt out.

Pluto has already found a home, though, much to the organization’s surprise. Plasse said the pets were not ready for adoption at the time but were brought to the Mohawk Honda Pet Connection in March where many in attendance fell head over heels for Pluto.

“We took him and Brooke more for fun because they’re not really ready for prime time,” Plasse said. “Everyone fell in love with Pluto.”

It came on the heels of Pluto just graduating from obedience training and his recovery from hip surgery as he came to the shelter with a previous injury. Plasse said Pluto didn’t heal properly and was lame on his left hind leg. He went through surgery and was rehabilitated all under the grant from ASPCA.

Brooke, who recently graduated from obedience training but will be continuing to take more classes, is now being groomed for adoption. Plasse said the dog will continue to be in foster care until she is adopted. When a family does express interest, Plasse said there will be an initial home visit to make sure it is a good fit for Brooke.
“We have an in-depth approach,” Plasse said. “We are going to make sure this animal is going in the right home. We are waiting for the right home for her.”

Those interested in Brooke can contact the Animal Support Project at 518-727-8591.

Andrew Beam may also be reached at 270-1294.
