Tip o’ the Day – The Biggest Mistakes New Animal Owners Make
We’ve all seen the movies and read the books about animals and people living happily ever after. And animals really do enrich our lives, no matter what the species. But all living things have physical and emotional needs. They’re not appliances we can turn on and off as we find necessary. They need the right food, the right medical care and the right enrichment to live an acceptable quality of life…..and most importantly, they need our time and attention. Once we bring a pet into our lives, we become their primary source of these things. They depend on us to know what they need because they can’t always tell us themselves. In this issue of our newsletter, we thought it might be helpful to use the internet to learn in advance what others have to tell us about the animals we want to make a part of our family.
The most common mistakes new animal owners make…….
Thinking of acquiring a cat? CLICK HERE to learn how to avoid the most common mistakes new cat owners make.
You say you’re smitten by the puppy you just met at the shelter? CLICK HERE to learn from the mistakes of others.
You always wanted an equine and now you’ve got the opportunity to achieve that dream. Before you do, CLICK HERE to prepare yourself in advance.
Ferrets, rats, snakes, lizards, turtles……are they all low maintenance pets? CLICK HERE to find out.
Exotic birds are entertaining, colorful, and some can even talk to us. But there’s more to owning a bird than just putting food and water in a cage. CLICK HERE to find out what you may not have considered about owning a bird, before you bring one home.