Tag: animal

TASP Fantasy Photo Background Samples December, 2024

1 Classic Candy Canes

2 Home for the Holidays

3 We Come Bearing Gifts

4 Santa Frame

5 Naughty or Nice

6 Reindeer Rendezvous

7 Visitors at the Door

8 On Santa’s Lap

9 Silent Night

10 Special Gift

11 Happy Kwanzaa

12 Festive Frame

13 Joy to the World

14 Christmas Robes

15 Happy Hanukkah

16 Snowy Gifts

17 Follow the Star

18 Winter is Coming

19 Sunset Woods

20 Snowglobe

21 Chillin’ With Santa

22 Checking His List

23 Snowy Scene

24 Holly Frame

TASP Fantasy Photo Background Samples – June, 2024

1 Welcome Summer

2 Alone Together

3 Grillin’ Time

4 Classic Dad

5 Berry Pickin’ Time

6 Hay There

7 National Egg Day

8 Hidden Garden

9 Road Trip with Dad

10 Lavendar Field

11 Man Cave

12 Field of Flags

13 Let’s Play in the Dirt

14 Patriotic Background

15 Long May She Wave

16 Summer Sunset

17 Take a Hike

18 International Corgi Day

19 You’ve Got Class

20 Fireflies on the Wing

21 Blue Industrial

22 Patriot on the Porch

23 I Heart Dad

24 Happy Father’s Day

TASP Fantasy Photo Background Samples December, 2023

1 Classic Candy Canes

2 Waiting for Santa

3 Gift from a Snowman

4 Santa Frame

5 Naughty or Nice?

6 Reindeer Rendezvous

7 Snowman’s Cabin

8 On Santa’s Lap

9 Silent Night

10 Special Gift

11 Happy Kwanzaa

12 Festive Frame

13 Joy to the World

14 Christmas Robes

15 Happy Hanukkah

16 Cool Gifts

17 Follow the Star

18 Shalom

19 Holly Frame

20 Snowglobe

21 Chillin’ with Santa

22 Checking His List

23 Snowy Scene

24 Sunset Woods

TASP Fantasy Photo Background Samples December, 2022

1 Chillin’ with the Reindeer

2 Window on Christmas

3 Gift from a Snowman

4 Christmas Eve With Santa

5 A Meowey Christmas Gift

6 Festival of Lights

7 Winter Welcome

8 On Santa’s Lap

9 Snowy Evening

10 The Best Gift of All

11 Angels on High

12 Festive Frame

13 Shiny Things

14 Christmas Robes

15 Sparkling Menorah

16 Candy Cane Lane

17 Follow the Star

18 Hello, Rudolph!

19 Holly Frame

20 Snow Globe

21 Naughty or Nice?

22 Checking His List

23 My Snowy Front Yard

24 Elf on the Shelf (Safely)

TASP Fantasy Photo Background Samples – February

1 Be My Valentine

2 L’amour Toujours

3 Lovestruck

4 Luv Meter

5 Carnival Fantasy

6 My Heart is Wherever You Are

7 King/Queen of Hearts

8 Love is in the Air

9 Rose Frame

10 Mardi Gras Crowns

11 Love is All Around

12 Dream Balcony

13 Heart Frame

14 Mardi Gras Frame

15 Flip Flops

16 Meet Me On Bourbon Street

17 Come Mardi Gras With Me

18 Mardi Gras 2022

19 Frame of Beads

20 Fleur de Lis

TASP Fantasy Photo Background Samples January

1 City on the Hill

2 Blue Woodland

3 Cool City Night

4 After the Blizzard

5 Sunrise on the Farm

6 Winter Vista

7 Sandman

8 A Walk in the Park

9 Winter Night

10 Snowflakes

11 Sledding with My Pal

12 Meet Me in the Hot Tub

13 2022 o’Clock

14 Snow Family

15 Handful of Luv

16 Time for a Hot Toddy

17 Think Superbowl!

18 Let’s Superbowl Party!

19 Cozy Toastin’

20 Snowglobe

TASP Fantasy Photos Sample Backgrounds December

1 Rudolph’s Family

2 Holiday Tabletop

3 Gift From a Chilly Friend

4 Christmas Story

5 Gift From a Kitty

6 Hanukkah Lights

7 Cabin Buddy

8 On Santa’s Lap

9 Silent Night

10 Special Gift

11 Heavenly Host

12 Festive Frame

13 Shiny Things

14 Christmas Robes

15 Meet Me at the Menorah

16 Candy Cane Lane

17 Follow the Star

18 Hello Rudolph

19 Holly Frame

20 Snowglobe

21 Naughty or Nice

22 Checking His List

23 Snowy Scene

24 Elf on the Shelf

TASP Fantasy Photo Background Samples – May, 2021

1 Remember and Honor

2 Patriotic at Heart

3 The Flag I Love

4 Memorial Day, 2021

5 God Bless America

6 America’s Best Friend

7 Field of Memories

8 For the Best Mother in the World

9 Springtime Love

10 Tiptoe Through the Tulips

11 The BEST Mom

12 Happy Mother’s Day!

13 A Note to My Mom

Meet Erin O’Brien, TASP’s Berkshire Treasure

Those of you who have been participating in our Fantasy Pet Photo Clinics at Benson’s in Pittsfield already know Erin O’Brien as the ever-smiling, ever-joking ever-competent photog and computer operator who turns even the most incorrigible pet model into an absolute work of art. One Sunday each  month, Erin meets us at Benson’s ready to set up and shoot our fund-raising photos that draw folks from all over Berkshire County.

From our first meeting, Erin understood immediately what it was TASP was trying to accomplish with our mission to keep pets out of the local shelters through pet crisis intervention and mitigation. And by the time we handed her Zippy’s very first Fantasy photo, we were signing Erin up to be a TASP volunteer. Since then, TASP is stronger and so much better off for having Erin on our team.

Erin helps all the pets relax and have fun at photo clinics.

But don’t take our word for it, take it from Erin: “

“I stumbled across a TASP photo clinic at the Pittsfield Benson’s a few years ago and was so impressed with how patient Steve was with my dogs and how friendly the gang working the clinic was, that I volunteered to help out at future events. 

Before you know it I had learned a ton about PhotoShop, how to photograph wiggly dogs, and how to set up and tear down the photo clinic equipment.  But more importantly, I had met some of the best people I’ve ever encountered in the TASP family of volunteers.  You are all so dedicated, talented, and hardworking.  I’m impressed at every event with how much everyone does for animals in their spare time and not-so-spare time…….And of course, I’ve gotten to know some of the cutest, nuttiest, and sweetest animals and their loving pet parents.  The regulars at our events are the best for how supportive they are of TASP and it is obvious how much they love their fur babies.”

The family who dresses together stays together!

Not only is Erin a one-woman photo clinic, able to expertly handle every aspect of our process including setup, animal-handler, photographer, computer operator and admin; she is also an accomplished graphic artist with an absolutely joyful personalty that engages volunteers, pet owners and critters alike! Erin has been a volunteer with the outstanding Berkshire Humane Society for years and is a valuable resource to TASP and local residents who may need help navigating the animal welfare world on her side of the mountain.

Erin’s COVID drive-by birthday celebration for Zippy

A devoted pet mom and animal lover, Erin gives her whole self to her dogs: Gentleman Bud and Zippy the Wonderpup. And it’s clear they want nothing more than to be with their Mama, even when she’s not dressed up like one of them. Both dogs are so well trained by Erin they are even welcome at her workplace at Habitat for Humanity. Friends always look forward to seeing the latest facebook post from her about her dogs’ accomplishments and antics.

Berkshire Habitat for Humanity welcomes well-behaved pets belonging to their employees.

TASP’s appreciation for Erin just keeps on growing. Now that the COVID nightmare is under control in the Northeast, she’ll be managing our Fantasy Photo Events at local weddings, parties and other shindigs around her area. Stay tuned to our website and facebook page for more news about this expansion of our supporters’ favorite fund raiser that will earn more revenue for local pets in need.

Meantime, keep an eye out for Erin and her incredible smile in the Lenox-Pittsfield area. She’s the person every pet and every human wishes to be around……. and once you meet her, it’s a sure thing you’ll agree.

TASP Fantasy Photos: The Fun Continues ONLINE!

Life just keeps getting stranger and stranger, but one thing can still be counted on: TASP continues to keep the Fantasy Photo Fun flowing indefinitely!  Until we can all get together in person, The Animal Support Project’s Fantasy Photo clinics are being updated monthly ONLINE!  Now you can order your TASP Fantasy Photos ONLINE each month, at your convenience, in the comfort of your own foxhole……and know you’re continuing to help our community’s pets stay safe and healthy while you stay safe and healthy, too!

It’s easy to get a TASP Fantasy Photo emailed directly to your inbox and/or a print mailed to your home.  Just send us an email at taspinfo@yahoo.com that includes the following:

Choose your background(s). CLICK HERE TO SEE THE BACKGROUNDS.

Attach your own photo of your subject(s) taken against a plain background.  If you have multiple subjects and want them to appear in the same photo, just send us a photo of each subject separately and we’ll combine them digitally.  Already been to a TASP photo clinic in the past? We can look up previous photos of your subject(s) from our archives and use them to create this month’s photo.

Let us know how you’d like to receive your photo:

Emailed .jpg photo @ $10 donation

Mailed hard copy print @ $10 donation (Be sure to supply your mailing address).

Or get both for $15 donation!

Lucite® frame for mailed photos optional @ additional $5 (covers cost of frame and mailing)

*Please be sure your email includes a phone number where you can be reached in case we need to contact you.

TASP volunteers will create your special photo and email you an invoice when it’s ready.  Payment can be made through Paypal, or you can just mail TASP a check.  Finished photos will be sent out within 24 hours of payment received.

With so many challenges brought about by COVID-19 and local losses from rioting, more companion animals than ever need TASP’s help to stay safe and healthy.  Bringing our friends and supporters this popular activity ONLINE at this time is our way of continuing to finance our mission, while hopefully creating some much-needed smiles.  As always, all proceeds are spent on supporting our community’s most vulnerable companion animals. Thanks for caring!