Jonesing for your monthly TASP Fantasy Photo clinic? Wish you could have gotten that special photo of your best friend on one of our fabulous Easter/Springtime theme photo backgrounds BEFORE quarantine? Well, thanks to the wonders of technology, TASP has found a way to keep the Fantasy Photo Fun flowing! Starting this month and continuing until COVID-19 lets us all get back on the circuit, The Animal Support Project’s Fantasy Photo clinics are going ONLINE! Now you can order your TASP Easter/Spring photo ONLINE and know you’re continuing to help our community’s pets stay safe and healthy!
It’s easy to get a TASP Fantasy Photo emailed directly to your inbox and/or a print mailed to your home. Just send us an email at taspinfo@yahoo.com that includes the following
Choose your background(s). CLICK HERE TO SEE THE BACKGROUNDS.
Attach your own photo of your subject(s) taken against a plain background. If you have multiple subjects and want them to appear in the same photo, just send us a photo of each subject separately and we’ll combine them digitally. Already been to a TASP photo clinic in the past? We can look up previous photos of your subject(s) from our archives and use them to create this month’s photo.
Let us know how you’d like to receive your photo:
Emailed .jpg photo @ $10 donation
Mailed hard copy print @ $10 donation (Be sure to supply your mailing address).
Or get both for $15 donation!
Lucite® frame for mailed photos optional @ additional $3 (covers cost of frame and mailing)
*Please be sure your email includes a phone number where you can be reached in case we need to contact you.
TASP volunteers will create your special photo and email you an invoice when it’s ready. Payment can be made through Paypal, Venmo or Facebook Pay. Finished photos will be sent out within 24 hours of payment received.
With so many challenges brought about by COVID-19, more companion animals than ever are going to need TASP’s help to stay safe and healthy. Bringing our friends and supporters this popular activity ONLINE at this time is our way of continuing to finance our mission, while hopefully creating some much-needed smiles. As always, all proceeds are spent on supporting our community’s most vulnerable companion animals. Thanks for caring!